Well it sure has been a while since my last update, but I have been pretty busy. Last week I was on olive oil stage in Liguria; learning about everything olive from the growing and pruning of the trees too pressing the “pasta” to extract the oil. It is truly amazing to learn so much about something so simple.
Unfortunately this info is about a week over due since I have not had consistent internet for about two weeks. Thanks TelecomItalia for your wonderfully slow response time. So since then, my days have mostly consisted of going to class, stealing as much internet as possible, then going home and playing solitaire on my computer for hours until I go to bed. Fun, I know.
So here is some way better news, for me. I am officially on the home stretch, I can see the finish line and I am running full speed ahead. I only have three more weeks of class, and four exams to get out of the way, and I am home free. Which means, it is time to start planning trips for after the exams. Right now it looks like I will be going to Amsterdam, and hopefully Cairo, Egypt. After that it is pretty up in the air. I have some crazy notion that I want to go to Russia, somewhere like Siberia to drink homemade vodka. Why you ask? I in fact have no idea where this notion came from, no not the vodka part that’s just because I enjoy vodka , but the Russia part. I just think it would be wicked pissah to go to the heart of the cold war era. I did just say wicked pissah, because I am from Mass, and I have been trying to integrate it into the Italian language.
With that said, I digress, and would like to talk about something else very important. Thanksgiving. Oh how I love turkey and stuffing, and all the various traditional dishes that each family makes Along with the pick football games and Macy’s day parade. Well this year will be a little different, instead of eating with my own family. I will be spending Thanksgiving with my new Italian family. I have never had a Thanksgiving dinner with more than eight or so people, well this year there are 23 people on the list. It’s going to be mega huge! The planning is starting to come together, and soon we will have a list of all the dished people are making.
Only 34 days left here in Italy, better make the most of it.
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