Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Getting Settled in

I am now on my third day here in Bra, and still have not managed a good night sleep. This is probably due to a few factors:
1. I have been drinking lots of awesome wine and not going to bed until at the earliest 3:30 am.
2. There is “aperitivo” which is drinks and snacks at 7 so dinner is usually eaten at 10-11pm. Then more drinking commences.
3. At 7am every morning motor bikes and cares eco between our building and the adjacent one, waking me up.

Regardless I am still having an amazing time. We have been at the University for Gastronomic Sciences for the past two days for orientations. I learned today that the school has a wine bank, with over 80,000 of the best wine from all over the world! We will be getting a tour, and having a five day wine tasting stage at the end of October. Communicating is hard, but our Italian classes start Monday.
Starting Friday there is “cheese” which is a four day festival involving hundreds of samples of local and global cheese, wine, and beer.


  1. So what you're saying is you're going on a 5- day bender. Then eating tons of cheese. You're living my dream life.

  2. formaggio is cheese.
    vino is wine.
    ragazza is girlfriend.

    what else would you need to know????

    non me ne frega niente...i don't give a damn.
    that's a good one.
